Tuesday 30 November 2010

Don't call me Shirley!

    So on Sunday we lost a truly great and funny man. I am of course referring to Leslie Nielsen. Star of Airplane! and The Naked Gun Trilogy. I remember watching those films a kid and just wishing that I could one day grow up to be as funny as him. Fair enough he did also star in some fairly dreadful films (Scary Movie 4, Superhero Movie,) but then again what actor hasn't had their share of flops? As for me he has immortalised himself in the world of comedy acting as Lt Frank Drebin, and I shall be spending tonight rooting through my DVD collection and digging out my Naked Gun box set and weeping over the loss of a funny funny man as I'm actually a big softy inside. Having said to many people over the past 2 days "Leslie Nielsen died!" and their response is always "I know!!!" followed by sticking out their lower lip in a upset puppy dog way. He shall be missed. Leslie Nielsen, keep on living... and don't call me Shirley!
     In other news my dad just entered the room, gave me a pair of his gloves and came out with "I'll let you have them for a quid since they're second hand!" followed by a cocky self laugh. I could actually feel the god's of humour cringe.

Monday 22 November 2010

The Church of Craggle Waggle

     Just when I'd finished celebrating the death of Big Brother, our televisions are now plagued with the return of I'm a "Celebrity". You may notice the inverted comma's there. I'm not going to explain why I've done this as I believe it to be fairly obvious. After looking at this years contestants I can honestly say that I only know who two of them are and I thought one of them was dead. So back I go into my reality television free bunker. I have enough tin foods, Dr Who DVDs and a modest amount of pornography to keep me going until this all blows over and Ant and Dec are no longer grinning at me blankly on my television.    Anyway, enough of that. A few years ago I signed up to Twitter just like all the other mindless sheep drones did, but as i didn't particularly understand it I stopped using it after roughly 3 minutes.  I recently logged in to find that 66% of my "followers" (2 people) are spammers *sighs*. Also, doesn't the fact that they are called "followers" make it seem like you've some how formed a religion around yourself. It's all very creepy. But anyway, if you would like to join the religion of Craggle Waggle then "follow" me on our church's website! http://twitter.com/#!/CraggleWaggle. And if you'd like to make a cash donations to the church of Craggle Waggle then I would love that as the church itself is currently an upturned box in the middle of my bedroom. I'm hoping to soon add a spire.
   And now, before you start worshipping the Church of Craggle Waggle. Some interesting facts about your messiah:
  1. When I was little I used to believe it was necessary to take a bite out of the bar of soap once a month. The most peculiar thing about this is that no one ever told me I had to.
  2. I own 2 sonic screwdrivers
  3. When I was in play school, while playing ring a ring a roses, when it got the the point in the song where it goes "we all fall down" I slipped on my socks and split my chin open.
  4. As I write this I am wearing a Lord of the Rings dressing gown!
  5. I really do hate HP Sauce
  6. While drunk at a party one night, me and some friends decided to marry our mate India to an inanimate wooden bear. This led to me getting ordained to the Church of Spiritual Humanism. http://www.spiritualhumanism.org/
  7. I've met Howard from the Halifax adverts.
  8. Extreme Ironing is my choice of sport.
  9. Other than that I believe that all sports should be eradicated. (mainly because I was never good at them in school)
  10. I can think of more interesting facts about Coolio than i can of myself.
  11. In 2008. Coolio hosted his own online cooking show titled "Cooking With Coolio"
  12. Coolio voiced the character of Kwanza-bot in Futurama
  13. Coolio once sang a duet with Country and Western star, Kenny Rogers
  14. Coolio is roughly 98.6% more interesting than me

Monday 15 November 2010

The general public are out there!!

So, apparently according to a recent survey the average duration of sex is 2 minutes! 2 minutes!? That's mad, and since that's an average it means that some people said less than 2 minutes. Now, what I want to know is who the ruddy hell did the ask? Perhaps they just wandered into every Games Workshop and Star Trek convention across the country. Interviewing awkward virgins sporting Spock ears who can say that the height of their sexual experience is rubbing one out while laying back and thinking of Aragorn. There is only one lord of their ring, and unfortunately it's Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who incidentally I would love to have narrate my life. i mean, c'mon. How epic is that man's voice? it's unreal!
Apparently these survey's come from the general public, which answers a lot. The general public can't be trusted to answer survey's to gain reliable information. They're idiots who walk around doing idiotic things in an idiotic manner! You'd get better results doing a survey on sausage rolls at the vegan society. The general public are out there! So stay indoors safe from stupidity. That's what I'll be doing. Sat here safely looking out the window and making cynical comments about what I see. Well, not quite. The curtains are closed and I can't frankly be arsed to open them. Plus you never know what goggle eyed member of the public could be out there.
Oh, and did I mention that I discovered that 2 minutes sex survey thing from a pub quiz? so I guess that's the validity of that out the window. Oh well...